Friday, February 25, 2011

Winters almost gone...

...and Spring is just around the corner! Tomorrow is my 23rd birthday. I've been much more low key about it this year. My focus has been else where lately (getting life a little more organized etc). My buddy Garret and I went to see Ensiferum w/ Finntroll on Tuesday. It was pretty fucking badass. He gave me his Ensiferum flag, which I got signed :D Best birthday present evarrrrr



I also shot an assignment this past week. Probably the most effort I've really ever put into shooting myself. It was for a high key/ low key assignment. I haven't shot my low key yet, I'm not 100% sure on what I want to do for it yet. My high key idea was to just paint myself white and stand against my white wall as a backdrop. I figured that my red hair would pop out while the rest of me just blended in with the background. I shot a few frames like I had planned and got bored fairly fast. I then got the idea that maybe some more red in the photo would add a little more interest. I looked around for some old lipstick, but had no luck. Then I remembered I still had some hair dye left (which was pretty perfect, keeping the same shade of red consistent through out) I started with just having some in the palms of my hands but quickly got 'carried' away and was fairly covered in red hair dye. It also helped to fill in the spots of the white paint that had started cracking and peeling off.




Saturday, June 5, 2010

saturday morning

So maybe it's the afternoon now but in my world Saturdays have two parts; mornings and nights. Thus far my day has consisted of 'catching up' on some much needed sleep (I don't remember the last time I slept past 11:30am), making coffee (that has not yet been drank) and feeding my cats. There is so much I need to get done today but I'm severely lacking motivation to get started at the moment. My apartment needs to be cleaned, grocery shopping needs to get done, as well as making some visits to a couple people.

One visit being to borrow a friends camera to take pictures of my guitar that I'm I can afford my new camera. Yes, I should have done this before selling my previous camera but I didn't think I would ever have to sell Bonnie. She's a Gibson acoustic SG Deluxe that has a fairly good story behind her. As much as she means to me, I never play her and she deserves a good home where she'll be used. If I could, I would hold on to her but right now I have to give into what I need and put aside what I want.

A lady from World Vision just called me, asking me to donate more. It breaks my heart that I had to cancel my sponsorship when I said I never would. Money is so tight these days, and until I get things manageable again it's probably for the best even though it feels horrible. I know I easily spend over $35.00 worth of junk in a month...-_-'

I forgot to mention that I was awoke by the sound of drilling by my next door neighbors. They are now hammering v e r y loudly. It sounds as if they are taking down a wall. . .

For my last off-topic ramble of the day...I've been looking at Mandalas and have been thinking of getting one in the middle of my shoulder blades one day. I think they're beautiful (even though I hate randomly placed tattoos, and it wouldn't go with the two I currently have).

The first one that I'll post a link too means Winter Moon and the second one means Winter Love.

Maybe not those exact ones but something similar. I really want something symbolizing the moon one day...

-Eternal Lunar

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Longing for Sugar Mountain..

I remember the days when decisions made, whether good or bad, weren't so life altering. Situations now, seem to be so much more intense. Problems can't be solved with just a heart felt apology, and no one leaves with their hands clean. I long for the days when friends had your back, no matter how badly you screwed up, or how many bad decisions you made. The days when you were just a kid, and learning... so it was alright (almost expected) to do a hundred stupid things by sun rise and be forgiven for them all before sun down. I've never been one to regret anything I've done in life. Decisions will be made, hearts will be broken, tempers will flare... but those decisions, whether good or bad, will change the path I was once on.

So I will dedicate this blog to the new path ahead of me and hope to make greater choices in the future...but never forgetting the days, and smiles those days brought, that will now be put behind me.


-Eternal Lunar

Neil Young- Sugar Mountain

Monday, May 24, 2010

Deflowering the blog

What can I say? I jumped on the bandwagon and started a blog. Whether or not this blog will hold any interest to anyone other than myself shall remain a mystery. I decided it would be a good thing to invest some time into blogging for two reasons. One; because I have a horrible memory and if I don't write it down I'll probably forget that it ever happened. Two; I need to get back into writing. Writing, along with other passions of mine, have come to a halt. One thing that has not stopped is how much my kitten loves to bite my feet when I am trying to work.

My life at the moment is not the most exciting life, though the future is holding some promise. I'm in the process of 'turning over a new leaf' (and yes, this entry is full of one-liners). I am currently looking for an apartment of my own for August first. I'll be starting school in September and with in the next few weeks I will be purchasing a sexy Nikon D300s. This excites me to no end...

As for today, I am going to check out a bachelor pad and just enjoy the weather!

Happy Victoria Day!

-Eternal Lunar